Functional Medicine: Personalized Medicine, for you.

What is Functional Medicine?  As defined by the Institute For Functional Medicine, “…it treats the whole person, addressing the unique physical, mental, and emotional needs of each patient. Clinicians bring together the entire complement of modern scientific tools, including a deep understanding of biology, physiology, genetics, social and environmental determinants of health, and the vital connection between mental and physical well-being. It is this combination of focusing on individual patients and applying a multi-faceted treatment path that delivers transformational results.”

This means that when you are dealing with health related issues, Functional Medicine will provide a window to the root causes of your complaints and allows for personalized programs based on your own unique environmental stressors and genetics, essentially taking the guess work out of designing a treatment program tailored specifically for you.

After an in depth Consultation, we will be able to determine which specific labs are needed to give us the data to set you up for success. For example: If you go to your primary care physician and complain about migraines, you may be given a prescription for a beta blocker, ibuprofen or acetaminophen.  While these might be helpful, they are just band-aids, and cannot be taken at high doses for long periods of time as they may cause liver and kidney issues.  In contrast: if you come see us, utilizing Functional Medicine, we will look at your history and after discussion we will know which specific lab or labs we need in order to get to the source of your migraines.   Once we get our results we are able to decipher the information in order to design a specific treatment protocol to solve your migraine issue. Your  protocol can include a combination dietary, exercise, herbal and supplemental recommendations.

Here at Queen City Acupuncture & Wellness Center, we want to equip you with the tools for success and ultimate wellness. If you are ready to begin your journey,  call or text us today at 980.498.2895 to arrange a free 15 minute consultation to determine if you are a candidate.


Boost your Immunity with Acupuncture